- Catherine Fisher's Incarceron (a kind soul at Penguin sent me a comp copy and I am so looking forward to dystopian goodness)
- Rachel Cohn's Very LeFreak
- John Barnes's Printz Honor book Tales from the Madman Underground: An Historical Romance 1973
I also just wrote a staff pick for Anna Jarzab's taut mystery All Unquiet Things:
A year after Carly’s murder, her first love Neily and her cousin Audrey team up to exonerate Audrey’s dad and find the real killer. During their investigation they learn unsettling truths about their community and Carly’s last months. Suspenseful and sad, this is a great novel for a stormy night.

- Margot Lanagan's Tender Morsels -- check out Michelle's staff pick for this Printz Honor book
- Carrie Ryan's The Forest of Hands and Teeth (next installment, The Dead-Tossed Waves, is coming next month)
- Norma Fox Mazer's The Missing Girl
Here's my staff pick for Lisa McMann's Fade and its predecessor Wake; I'm waiting impatiently for Gone, due out tomorrow.
Janie’s ability to dreamwalk is a dark secret; her new friendship with Cabel provides much-needed comfort. When the police recruit the two for undercover missions, though, the stakes quickly become high. Unexpected dangers threaten Janie’s health, their blossoming romance, and even their lives.None of these are exactly fun-filled, light-hearted romps, but if you can brave difficult topics for the sake of an amazing story, come in and ask me about these books. I'll talk your ear off about their wicked geniusiness.
Whew! I hope that's enough reading to get you through these yucky winter days when curling up with a good book and hot chocolate sounds like the best idea ever. Now I just need to pick one to curl up with myself!
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