At the community pool I went to growing up, kids started as "tadpoles" with mommy and me swim classes, then progressed up the food chain (sort of) through minnows, dolphins, and sharks. I never made it that far, but I could use a refresher on how to doggy-paddle without peril.
Luckily for me and any lifeguards in my vicinity, our storytime/swim safety demo is this Saturday at noon. Special guests Boston Sports Clubs for Kids will teach us all how to be safe in the water. We'll have games, Seuss read-alouds, fishy-themed snacks, and more for your little swimmers from tadpoles to sharks. Be sure to pick up BSC's swim lesson schedule!
(I hear BSC's bringing temporary tattoos... They're extra temporary once you get in the pool, but while you're lounging poolside in your suit, whew!)
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